How to Reach Me

I can be reached in a variety of ways. Please feel free to get in touch with me at any time. I love hearing from people, and always do my best to reply in a timely fashion. 

Don't know if you should reach out? Here are some helpful do's and don't's

Things I like to receive:
- Emails from readers
- Media inquiries
- Messages from potential writing clients
- Free coffee
- Chocolate is also fine

Things I don't like to receive:
- Hate mail (I never read it, so don't bother)
- Messages from people trying to wash me of my sin (thanks, but no thanks)
- Smelly things
- Your kid's stomach flu
- Fruitcake 

Now that we have the rules down, here's my contact information:


Twitter: @MavenOfMayhem

Instagram: @maven_of_mayhem
