A Maven Quicky: Conversations with Spawnling

We were supposed to go out with my friend Sheri (AKA The Dog Whisperess) for a coffee this morning. Spawnling liked the idea at first, until he decided the Wii would be more fun than going out in the cold.

I started getting dressed and gave him a ten minute warning, to which he replied with sighs and slight protests, all the while playing Super Smash Brothers (yes, I know it's a fighting game and he's only three, but his big brothers play it, and quite frankly, I need to pick my battles around here. I am so very outnumbered by the testosterone-driven kind of humans it's not even funny)

But then, Sheri called, and broke the news that she had just gotten sick and probably shouldn't go near us lest she spread the vomitous love. I appreciate considerate people.

The problem? Spawnling loves Sheri very much. When she comes over, he takes up a great deal of her time and even kicks me out of the playroom so they can be alone. I was worried he'd be very sad.

The conversation we just had, however, is leaving me doubting his commitment to her. I just sent Sheri the following email:

Me: Spawnling, Sheri can't come to Tim Hortons because she's sick.

Spawn, not taking his eyes off the screen: Great!

Me: Uh.... She's sick. She just threw up.

Spawn: I know. That's awesome.

Me: ... Why is that awesome?

Spawn: Because I like Sheri.

Me: But she just threw up!

Spawn: I know. I like throwing up, too. It's really fun ... Uh, can I play Super Smash Brothers now?

You may want to find yourself a new boyfriend. This one isn't very supportive. And this is SO going on my blog.

Even though throwing up is fun, I hope Sheri feels better soon.