NaBloPoMo Day 2, or Let's Give Her Something to Talk About

Last night, after I impulsively signed up to post once every day for a month, the NaBloPoMo gods met on top of Mount RSS to discuss my actions.

"Can you believe The Maven committed to writing every day?" asked the Goddess Commentia. "What was she thinking?"

"I know, right?" Cackled the joker Spambot. "She's such a tool!"

Commentia giggled into her late night bowl of Godleeos. "She was a tool before she ever signed up for anything. I mean, she writes about staying at home with three kids. Who reads that crap, anyway? Boooooring! Get a job, Maven!"

Follow, a more serious and dedicated sort, shut down the laughfest with a fist smacked hard upon the ethereal table. "That's enough! Why are you mocking The Maven? Why, she's practically a goddess herself, what with all her awesomeness and everything. We should be helping her succeed so that she earns her place in the Hall of Successful Daily Bloggers; No small feat, that."

"I suppose you're right," sighed the beautiful yet often cruel Commentia. "It is our job and all. But I helped the last pathetic mortal. Spambot, I believe it's your turn."

Spambot, the mischievous bastard he is, grinned widely. "No problem, my oh-so-powerful posse. I'll come up with something... interesting for her to blog about."


And this morning, Intrepid woke up with Swine Flu symptoms.

Let's give her something to talk about, indeed. Immortal jerks.