Funny thing, life...

Where am I supposed to be right now?

If you had asked me two days ago, I would have said in Peterborough, Ontario, visiting geekster's grandma. I would have explained that the gremlins and I, along with my mom and brother, Hefner, would be frolicking in the lush countryside (can you frolick in the country? Is there frolicking to be had?). We would be spending a relaxing few days keeping the Geekster family matriarch company, visiting the local zoo and forgetting the school fees and supply and clothes shopping is soon to rear it's ugly head. Denial practiced well is the best form of denial.

Where am I supposed to be right now?

I would not have said in an isolation room at the children's hospital while Spawnling is pumped full of drugs. I would not have guessed that in a million years. Not my rough and tumble Spawn.

Here's how it all went down:

on sunday the toddler wonder came down with a fever. No big, right? What toddler doesn't get those? Only genetically engineered super lab-grown ones bred to fight for the United States army (someone's been watching X-files reruns again)

the fever never went away. And worse, still, was the listlessness; the boy has been sleeping for four days straight. Normally I would rejoice, but this is just a bit too much. Eating? Nope. Drinking? Somewhat. Calling people 'stupid'? Not very much, which is a bad sign. The day the fight leaves Spawn is the day I worry. And worried I most certainly am.

Yesterday afternoon was our second trip to the children's hospital. Our first revealed nothing , as we only had a fever to go on. Butby yesterday his mouth had filled with sores, in that horror movie way that looks really gross. I thought he had thrush.

They took us in immediately. The nurse took one look at him and said 'you're not waiting this time'. He was in a room before I could fully process how serious they were taking it. Within 30 minutes the word 'meningitis' was used, and within an hour I was shaking and crying as I signed the consent forms for a lumbar puncture to test his spinal fluid.

I have seen a lot of things, but yesterday was the scariest day of my life.

My mom was here through it all, propping me up both emotionally and physically. Not only is she an RN, but she's seen a lot of illness and a lot of scary moments in her life. Thank goodness she came with me. What would I have done? Picture jello. Now picture it on the floor. That would have been me.

The initial meningitis test camd back negative and his spinal fluid looked clear, but we're still waiting on the bacterial culture results that take 48hrs. Meanwhile, Spawnling is still sleeping 90% of the time in his isolated room and I'm blogging using my fancy new iPhone, so pardon any weird typos or formatting.

The sores all over the inside of his mouth coupled with the fever are indicative of herpes stomatitis, which is non-life-threatening but extremely painful. He's being pumped full of anti-viral drugs to help his body fight it off, and some awesome antibiotics just in case he also has meningitis or some other bacterial infection. His white blood cell count is a little off, but not alarmingly so. We await more results to come in.

He's not out of the woods yet. The listlessness has everyone a little nervous. So if you pray, please do that. And if you think positive thoughts, do that. And if you burn chickens in health ceremonies I'll even condone that right now. He needs to get better fast. Now. I miss him calling me 'stupid', like, a lot. And I miss his laugh even more.

Where am I supposed to be right now? Here, with him. And I wouldn't be anywhere else.