Rowan Jetté Knox

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NaBloPoMo Day 9, or When Life Gets in the Way

Dudes. I almost forgot to post tonight! I nearly blew my chances at being crowned queen of NaBloPoMo, or some other imaginary title involving imaginary money for my imaginary retirement fund.

My excuse? I was really busy being social and productive.

I went Christmas shopping (yes, really), had coffee, herded gremlins at the park, chose not to herd gremlins into the library and instead went alone (smart choice), got a surprise editing contract due tomorrow (It's half finished - see following) and watched House (good episode).

I had plans to write tonight - both for pay and for pleasure - but instead I ended up watching The Breakfast Club, which I reserved at the library. See how this day goes together? It's like a giant circle, or some other mystic thing that sounds better than 'it's like a giant circle.'

I should mention that this is the first time I've ever watched The Breakfast Club.

Yes, it's true: this was my first time. I was a virgin, and the Gatineau Library popped my eager cherry. And it was mind-blowing-ly amazing, I might add. Um, the movie, just so we're clear. The acting was first rate, the script was fantastic, and the characters really moved me. Mostly, I could relate to the criminal and the basket case, with a little bit of the brain. Who do you relate to the most?

*Yes, I just asked a question on my blog in hopes that it will detract from the fact that this post is short and poor. NaBloPoMo can, unfortunately, produce some quantity over quality. Tomorrow I'll aim for quality. It will depend on how much coffee I get into my system and how quickly I can send off this contract. That is a hint that you should bring me coffee if you live anywhere in the near vicinity. I accept any and all kinds as long as they don't have sugar in them. Gross me out! Gag me with a spoon! Totally uncool! Barfsville! Can you tell I've been watching 80's movies?)

Last week, I saw Sixteen Candles for the first time. It was meh. I'm sorry, I realize it's a classic and I might get shunned by John Hughes fans everywhere, but I have to be honest: That was his weakest movie by far. I fancy myself a bit of a teen movie expert. There's nothing I like more than kicking back and watching the mayhem of foul-mouthed horny boys in SuperBad, or excitedly seeing Molly Ringwald make her gorgeous dress out of other, crappier dresses in Pretty in Pink. I will never tire of a good teen movie.

Look, I don't want any arguments about the Sixteen Candles thing. As in most cases, I'm right and that's all there is to it. It was a sucky movie in comparison to the others. Don't believe me? This man will help quell any disagreements:

Apology accepted. Goodnight.